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Exploring Consumption, Production, and Consumer Trends of Tea

global tea production & consumption

Discover the captivating world of tea consumption, production, and emerging trends. We delve into the global landscape of tea, highlighting the top tea producers and consumers worldwide.


We uncover fascinating facts, data points, and cultural insights surrounding this beloved beverage.  So, grab your favorite cup of tea, sit back, and savor the aromatic journey through the world of tea.


Global Tea Consumption: A worldwide love affair


Did you know that tea is the most widely consumed beverage after water, with over 2 billion people enjoying it daily?


Tea originated in China many many centuries before it became popular in the Western world. From China, it traveled to Japan where it quickly became the favorite drink, so much so that there were ceremonies that were dedicated to drinking tea in Japan.


It was the Portuguese who brought tea from Asia to the European continent but tea still remained a fashionable drink of the rich and wealthy.


Then East India Company started shipping Chinese tea to Britain and tea quickly became an integral part of the British daily life.


Leading Tea Producers: Unveiling Tea’s Origins



According to sources, the global tea market was valued at around 207.1 billion U.S. dollars in 2020 and is expected to rise to 266.7 billion dollars by 2025.


China stands as the world’s largest tea producer, accounting for approximately 40% of global tea production.


India, known for its famous Darjeeling and Assam teas, follows closely behind.


Do you know how tea farming started in India?


After facing issues with China, East India Company found it difficult to obtain the beverage and started looking for alternate ways to import tea to Britain.


Tea is a very weather and climate-sensitive crop and can only be cultivated in weather-appropriate places. Many hilly areas in India such as Darjeeling, and Nilgiris were perfect for this sensitive crop.


Hence, the British got the Chinese tea plants to India and started large-scale tea farming here. Assam is the world’s single largest tea-growing region.


Top Tea Consumers: Nations with a Passion for Tea



Which countries consume the most tea per capita? Explore the tea-loving cultures of nations like Turkey, where tea is a fundamental part of daily life. Each Turk consumes approximately 1,300 cups (3.16kg) of tea annually. That translates to 3-4 cups daily, with the number of cups rising to 10 during the freezing winter.


According to data by Statista, Indians approximately consumed 1.2 billion kilograms of tea during the financial year 2022. But the per capita consumption of tea in India is much lower than in other countries.


In the United Kingdom, tea remains a cherished tradition, with an average per capita consumption of 1000 cups per year.


Emerging Trends and Flavors: Tea’s Evolution


Tea consumption is undergoing exciting transformations, with new trends and flavors captivating tea enthusiasts. Specialty teas like matcha and oolong have emerged in the market, as well as increasingly popular blends of herbal and fruit teas. As consumers seek unique tea experiences, innovative flavors and blends are shaping the future of tea.


State wise production of tea in India



According to Statista, in March 2022, West Bengal emerged as the top tea producer in India, with an estimated production volume of 26 million kilograms.


Following closely was Assam, securing the second position with an estimated production volume of 24.5 million kilograms during the same year.




The world of tea is a captivating realm of diverse flavors, cultural traditions, and healthful properties. Being the world’s favourite beverage, it enjoys the status of a dynamic trading commodity.



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