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Market Stories in Charts | Week of 20th March 2023

Stories in Charts Curated by Kuvera

Data discoveries of the week, presented in charts. This week, we throw light on India’s demographic dividend by looking at how her median age compares with other economies,  goods export data from April to December 2022, state-wise concentration of India’s household assets in real estate, US banks’ borrowing from the Fed’s discount window and more.



  1. A chart to show how young India is.



2. What goods we exported the most from April to Dec 2022.



3. A state-wise chart to show % of a household’s assets invested in real estate in India.



4. The aftermath of Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank collapse. US banks borrowed $150 billion+ from the Fed’s discount window last week. This number was $112 billion during the 2008 financial crisis. Extraordinary action by the banks to ensure they don’t go insolvent if depositors demand their money?



5. Here’s how the US stocks did in March in the heat of the banking crisis.



6. India’s sugar exports grew 5x from $810.9 million in 2017-18 to $4.6 billion in 2021-22.



7. This is how the 4 key asset classes – equity, gold, cash, and fixed income – delivered over 1, 3, 5 and 10 years.



8. Japanese imports going down a slide.



9. You knew this, but here’s another chart to clear the smoke. Declining cigarette sales also result in a decline of lung cancer mortality.



10. The #USFed balance sheet just got on a roller coaster high.


11. Spread between US money market mutual fund rates and bank deposit rates.


12. Ending by looking at the length of road networks across key countries. India is a close No. 2 to US with 6.38 million km of roads crisscrossing the country.



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