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Market Stories in Charts | Week of 24th Jun 2024

Stories in Charts Curated by Kuvera

Data discoveries of the week presented in charts. A look at state-wise MF AAUM in India, Gold price trends, SIP contribution trends, India’s defence exports and more.


1. Top states with the highest AAUM


2. Gold price trend since 2015


3. Monthly SIP contribution trend in 2023-24


4. 62% of India’s military exports come from Pvt. sector.


5. Traffic at the Panama Canal


6. Small steps, big impact.


7. State-wise inflation in India


8. No one wants to buy a home in the US anymore?


9. US Govt. budget deficits under various Presidents.


10. Visualising the Global Population by Water Security Levels


11. World’s Top 10 Billionaires 2024


12. Share of energy sources in global trade.


13. China has bet heavily on industrial production to drive recovery since the pandemic. Consumer spending is down.


14. Annuities are having a moment in the US.


15. Costco Stores all over the world.



Disclaimer: The post, charts and graphs featured in this blog have been curated from various sources on and the web, and represent the perspectives & analyses of the original authors. The ideas and views expressed in these charts do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Kuvera. Furthermore, Kuvera’s commentary on each post is based solely on the data shown within the chart itself and assumes no responsibility for the accuracy or reliability of the data presented. Kuvera is not liable for any interpretations or decisions made by readers based on the featured charts. Readers are advised to conduct their own research and due diligence.


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