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Market Stories in Charts | Week of 29th July 2024

Stories in Charts Curated by Kuvera

Data discoveries of the week presented in charts. A look at the composition of the Nifty 50, Indian athletes at the Paris Olympics, where graduates migrate to, rise in property prices and more.


1. Breakdown of how ₹100 invested in the Nifty 50


2. Paris Olympics, here we come


3. How much has it costed to host Olympics since 1996


4. Domestic migration of Indian graduates


5. Real estate prices in Indian cities


6. The story of holding periods: Impulse vs Patience


7. US debt is getting out of control


8. Is a healthy diet affordable for most people?


9. The Price of a Big Mac Across the World 


10. Who puts the power in powerful 2023?


11. Women competing at the Olympic Games from 1896 to 2024


12. US $ vs the rest.


13. The distribution of profits from oil & gas industry


14. Where do folks want to travel?


15. Gold and recessions



Disclaimer: The post, charts and graphs featured in this blog have been curated from various sources on and the web, and represent the perspectives & analyses of the original authors. The ideas and views expressed in these charts do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Kuvera. Furthermore, Kuvera’s commentary on each post is based solely on the data shown within the chart itself and assumes no responsibility for the accuracy or reliability of the data presented. Kuvera is not liable for any interpretations or decisions made by readers based on the featured charts. Readers are advised to conduct their own research and due diligence.


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