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Market Stories in Charts | Week of 2nd October 2023

Stories in Charts Curated by Kuvera

Data discoveries of the week, presented in charts. This week we look at some fascinating data on the India’s kharif crop acerage, global EV market, decline in fertility rate, the average milk prices and more. 



1. India’s defense export is at an all-time high.


2. Average price of ? milk in the largest economies ?


3. India’s kharif crop acreage this year.



4. UPI doing UPI things? 


5. Over half of the world’s population has rice as its staple food ? . Here are its largest producers ?


6. The Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha recently passed the historic Nari Shakti Vandan Adhiniyam. Relevant because representation of women in parliament has been dismal.


7. Flight of the world’s millionaires ???


8. High economic growth doesn’t necessarily leads to high number of jobs.


9. Industrial sectors with the highest carbon emissions  ??


10. Household savings in the US contracting.


11. South Asia remains the fastest growing region, but not yet at the pre-pandemic pace. 


12. Only Tech has managed to outperform the S&P 500 over the last 5 years.


13. Capital outlay for development across India 


14. Signs of worry. Bank credit is contracting, something that has happened only during the Financial Crisis.


15. ~$2,000,000,000. That’s the increase in US National Debt in just 4 months.


16. More context on the above chart. US national debt is now growing faster than GDP by its largest margin ever. Debt-to-GDP ratio is 120%.


17. Similar to recently released RBI data, savings are dropping in the US too. Savings as a % of national income is contracting.



18. Countries with extremely low fertility rates.


19. China’s dominance in EV battery supply chain.


20. Home ownership is getting difficult for young earners in the US.


21. Retail investors’ love affair with the Tesla stock. Check the greens of 2023.


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