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Personal Finance 101 for Gen Z

Personal finance 101

Personal finance 101


As the young population starts joining the workforce and embarks on their financial journey, it’s important to understand the basics of personal finance and build healthy habits.


Today, in this short blog, we’ll be exploring some key strategies to help you manage your personal finances and achieve your financial goals.


1) The first thing to do is to create a budget. A budget is a plan for how you will spend your money. It involves tracking your income and expenses, and finding ways to cut back on unnecessary expenses. One great way to do this is to use budgeting apps that can help you monitor your spending and set financial goals.


You can learn about various types of budgeting techniques here. 


2) Secondly, it’s important to avoid debt as much as possible. Debt can be a major burden and can take years to pay off especially high-interest debt. This also includes credit card debts.


It’s important to clear your credit card dues on time since it’s the costliest type of credit. Use credit cards responsibly and never spend beyond your means.


While, credit cards can do wonders for your credit score, it is important to note that they can also be disastrous if you are not responsible with repayments. It’s better to avoid taking credit cards until you are sure about your financial responsibilities.


3) Thirdly, start investing early. The power of compounding can work wonders in helping you build wealth. Even if you can only invest a small amount each month, it can add up over time and help you achieve your financial goals. There are many types of investments to choose from, such as stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and real estate.



You can read more about the power of compounding here.


Learn all about investing basics here. 


4) Fourth, be mindful of your credit score. Your credit score plays a very important role in your financial journey. It’s a three-digit number that represents your creditworthiness and ability to repay debts. Make sure to pay your bills on time, avoid opening too many credit accounts, and regularly review your credit report to keep your score high.


5) Fifth, prioritise saving. Saving is one of the most important habits you can develop. Even if it’s just a small amount each month, saving can help you build an emergency fund and work towards long-term financial goals. Make sure to set up an automatic savings plan to make it easier for you to save regularly and don’t forget to invest your savings wisely.


6)  Seek financial education. There are so many resources available today, such as books, podcasts, and online courses, that can help you learn more about personal finance. Take advantage of these resources and educate yourself to make better financial decisions.


If you find financial education boring and time consuming, then follow Kuvera’s Instagram channel and learn about finances easily.


7) Separate your emotions from your financial decisions. When you begin earning, avoid making impulsive financial choices driven by your emotions. These can include succumbing to credit card FOMO or giving in to peer pressure to spend or invest in ways that aren’t right for you. Instead, prioritise long-term financial stability by making decisions with a clear and rational mindset.


Learn how to plan your finances mindfully here. 


So that’s it for today. We hope you found these tips helpful. Remember, building good financial habits takes time and effort, but it’s definitely worth it in the long run. Don’t be afraid to seek help from financial professionals if you need it.


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