What Are International FoFs And Why Invest In Them – Explained

International FoFs are a newer category of passive funds India. These FoFs follow a passive...

What Are International FoFs And Why Invest In Them – Explained
Types of Passive Funds in India

Are you googling top passive funds India, already? No doubt, because passive funds are investment...

Types of Passive Funds in India
Difference between Exchange Traded Fund vs Mutual Fund

Heard of ETF or Exchange Traded Fund? They are a type of passive funds India. Let us look at how...

Difference between Exchange Traded Fund vs Mutual Fund
Mutual Fund vs Index Fund: What’s the difference?

Mutual Fund vs Index Fund: In the world of investing, mutual funds are a pretty common name. But...

Mutual Fund vs Index Fund: What’s the difference?
Mutual Funds vs Stocks: Which Investment is Right for You?

Imagine choosing individual TV channels vs a Set-top box package. What is easier? Of course,...

Mutual Funds vs Stocks: Which Investment is Right for You?
How Smart Beta Funds Can Spice Up Passive Investing

Introduction to Smart Beta Funds: India has nearly 9 crore systematic investment accounts....

How Smart Beta Funds Can Spice Up Passive Investing
Debt Fund vs FD (Fixed Deposit): Which is Better?

If you were to compare these investments– Debt Fund vs FD, which one would you...

Debt Fund vs FD (Fixed Deposit): Which is Better?
SIP vs RD (Recurring Deposit): Which one is better?

Who will win the race between SIP vs RD? When it comes to saving and investing, it is often...

SIP vs RD (Recurring Deposit): Which one is better?
Loan against Mutual Funds: How it works, Features and Eligibility

Did you know you can take a loan against your mutual funds? Just like securing a loan with assets...

Loan against Mutual Funds: How it works, Features and Eligibility
What is a Mutual Fund Distributor? Explained

Mutual fund distributors (MFDs) are individuals or entities who act as intermediaries between...

What is a Mutual Fund Distributor? Explained