Market Stories in Charts | Week of 23rd Sep 2024

Data discoveries of the week presented in charts. A look at Trillion rupee club, Indian housing preferences, domestic supply vs demand, ITR filers, rise of AI, AC market and more.


1. India’s economy is projected to reach $10 trillion


2. Domestic supply vs demand for gold 


3. Different income percentiles 👇


4. Trillion rupee club


5. ITR Filers across different income categories


6. Countries leading the AI revolution


7. AC market is expected to grow by 30- 40%


8. Countries adding millionaires at the fastest rate (2023-2028F)


9. Top small-cap stocks gaining momentum in mutual fund portfolios


10. Powering progress: 80% of rural sub-saharan Africa lacks electricity


11. Wealth gaps in neighbouring countries


12. Visualizing S&P 500 returns after interest rate cuts 


13. How SWP in mutual funds can massively reduce taxes


14. Mag 7 vs 2000s tech bubble


15. EVs vs Gas vehicles


16. $315 Trillion in global debt, by sector


17. Public debt vs Gold



Disclaimer: The post, charts and graphs featured in this blog have been curated from various sources on and the web, and represent the perspectives & analyses of the original authors. The ideas and views expressed in these charts do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Kuvera. Furthermore, Kuvera’s commentary on each post is based solely on the data shown within the chart itself and assumes no responsibility for the accuracy or reliability of the data presented. Kuvera is not liable for any interpretations or decisions made by readers based on the featured charts. Readers are advised to conduct their own research and due diligence.


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