Market Stories in Charts | Week of 26th Aug 2024

Data discoveries of the week presented in charts. A look at countries that bought most gold, companies leaving and joining Nifty indices, UPI market, electricity fuelling growth, data centres in the world, richest Indian and more.


1. Who has the most gold?


2. Change in the Nifty mix


3. Trendsetting monopoly stocks


4. Who is responsible for UPI’s rise?


5. New highs for India’s electricity growth story.


6. This makes data centres the new hotspots


7. A new wave of billionaires.


8. Hello! Which countries have ChatGPT helped out today?


9. Good news for India?


10. Compounding on our demographic dividend and rising living standards.


11. Can countries be feminist too?


12. Millionaires are on a bear market trend.


13. Keep your friends close and your gold closer.


14. Credit card defaults are rising at record levels.


15. Are foreign investors hinting at something?


16. The Para Athletes are shinier than their gold.


17. World’s fastest trains


18. We don’t know if AI is after our jobs or not, but it is certainly emptying the global investment.



Disclaimer: The post, charts and graphs featured in this blog have been curated from various sources on and the web, and represent the perspectives & analyses of the original authors. The ideas and views expressed in these charts do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Kuvera. Furthermore, Kuvera’s commentary on each post is based solely on the data shown within the chart itself and assumes no responsibility for the accuracy or reliability of the data presented. Kuvera is not liable for any interpretations or decisions made by readers based on the featured charts. Readers are advised to conduct their own research and due diligence.


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