The Unregulated Financial World of Social Media & the Internet

Social media has taken over our lives in every way possible, most of us spend hours and hours scrolling across various social media platforms and use the knowledge shared across the internet to make important life decisions.


When information flows freely through the veins of the internet, misinformation is bound to follow. Social media platforms, websites, and forums have become virtual marketplaces where financial advice and investment opportunities are shared with astonishing speed. Yet, beneath the allure of instant information lies a perilous landscape.


In our previous blog, we discussed how the rapidly diminishing attention span has impacted financial decision-making and how you can tackle the issue without actively trying to do so.


This blog aims to shed light on the unregulated financial world thriving on social media and the internet, highlighting its dangers and offering guidance to investors.


The Rise of Unregulated Financial Advice


Recent reports emphasize the surge in unregulated financial advice on social media platforms. Individuals, often with little to no financial expertise, freely share investment tips, strategies, and stock recommendations. This phenomenon has caught the attention of investors seeking quick gains.


SEBI (Securities and Exchange Board of India), the market regulator, is proactively addressing the growing presence of unregistered financial influencers, commonly referred to as “finfluencers,” who offer investment advice to the general public. Madhabi Puri Buch, the Chairperson of SEBI, has disclosed that the organization is currently in the finalization stages of a draft discussion paper. This paper will lay the groundwork for establishing comprehensive regulations and guidelines aimed at overseeing the activities of these individuals. This development follows instances of the income tax department issuing notices to the leading 35 social media influencers due to alleged tax evasion amounting to significant sums, along with recent investigations targeting the top 13 Youtubers in Kerala for comparable violations.


The Dangerous Influence of Misinformation


A substantial percentage of investors base their financial decisions on information obtained from social media. Many surveys report that within the younger generation, shockingly, 60% of investors act on investment tips they found on social media platforms. However, this information is often rife with misinformation, rumors, and unchecked claims. The lack of regulatory oversight means that false or misleading advice can spread like wildfire, leading unsuspecting investors down a treacherous path.



Incidents That Demand Caution


Instances reported by CNBC and other sources have exposed the risks associated with following unregulated financial advice online. Countless investors have fallen prey to unscrupulous schemes promoted on social media. Pump-and-dump schemes, where fraudsters artificially inflate stock prices before dumping their shares, have victimized many. In some cases, individuals with sinister motives intentionally spread false information to manipulate markets for personal gain.


The Mirage of Instant Success


The allure of becoming an overnight millionaire is enticing, and the promise of quick returns can blind investors to the potential risks. Reputable financial advisors emphasize the importance of due diligence and long-term strategies. According to a survey conducted by ABC Analytics, investors who based their decisions on thorough research and analysis were three times more likely to achieve sustainable gains than those swayed by online hype.


Navigating Safely


Investors must be cautious when consuming financial content on social media and the internet. Here are some tips to navigate the uncharted waters wisely:


  • Verify Sources: Rely on information from trusted sources and verify claims through multiple channels.


  • Educate Yourself: Gain a basic understanding of investment principles to distinguish credible advice from baseless claims.


  • Consult Professionals: Seek guidance from certified financial advisors who have a track record of success.


  • Diversify: Spread investments across different asset classes to mitigate risk.



While the digital age has revolutionised access to information, it has also opened the floodgates to unregulated financial content. The uncharted waters of social media and the internet can be dangerous for investors who are not vigilant. The incidents, surveys, and expert insights from reliable sources emphasise the need for caution. In the pursuit of financial success, prudent decisions and professional guidance should always take precedence over impulsive leaps into the abyss of unverified advice.


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