Market Stories in Charts | Week of 7th Nov 2022

Data discoveries of the week. We look at other currencies performance compared to the USD , the past and present comparison of poverty, Apple moving productions away from China, various age groups are response to rising inflationary pressures and more.


1. How are other currencies performing vs the USD


2. 200 years ago,  almost everyone lived on less than $5 per day, adjusted for inflation. A look at how poverty has declined over the years.


3. Change in rentals over the months across top 100 US cities


4. The S&P500 performance in 2022 visualized


5. Apple moving production away from China


7.  This interesting chart from US hotel owners shows how various age groups are responding to rising inflationary pressures



9.  Fitness vs Persistence. Can be argued that the same applies to wealth.




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