Psychology Behind Blindly Following The Crowd

We all like to fit in and be part of a group. It feels good to belong. But sometimes, we forget to be ourselves because we try too hard to fit in. We might stop thinking for ourselves or acting the way we usually do.


A man named Solomon Asch did some tests in the 1950s to learn more about this. He wanted to see if people would change their answers to fit in with a group, even if they knew the right answer.


Here’s what he did:


He told a group of students they were taking a vision test.There were 50 guys in the study, but only one was the real person being tested. The others were pretending to be part of the test. They looked at lines on a card and had to say which line matched the target line. The right answer was pretty clear.


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At first, everyone said the right answer. But then, the pretend testers started picking the wrong answer on purpose. Asch wanted to see if the real tester would copy the wrong answers just to fit in.


What he found was interesting:


  • 32% of the time, the real person gave the wrong answer because the group did.
  • 75% of people went along with the group at least once, but 25% never did.
  • In a test without the pretend testers, almost everyone got the answers right.


This experiment shows that people often go along with others, even if it means not being true to themselves. This can happen in many parts of life, like when people decide to invest money because everyone else is doing it, even if it might not be a smart move.


So, what should we learn from this?


  • It’s okay to be different and think for yourself.
  • Doing your homework is important. Don’t just follow the crowd.
  • Trusting your own choices is good, especially when it comes to important decisions like money.


Being yourself and making your own choices is really important. Even when everyone is doing one thing, it’s okay to do what you think is right. Remember, being true to who you are is what makes you special.


Interested in how we think about the markets?

Read more: Zen And The Art Of Investing


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