Investing With Legends – John C Bogle


John C. Bogle was the founder of The Vanguard Group, one of the largest investment companies in the world.  He is widely regarded as one of the pioneers of index funds and is credited with revolutionizing the mutual fund industry.


Bogle’s investment philosophy focused on low-cost, passive investing and he was a strong advocate for the individual investor. He authored several books on investing and was a respected voice in the financial world.


To highlight his investment principles he wrote several influential books including “Common Sense on Mutual Funds” and “The Little Book of Common Sense Investing,” which have become staples in the investment world.


Let us understand his main investing principles:


1. Invest in Index Funds


Bogle is credited with creating the first index mutual fund in 1975, the Vanguard 500 Index Fund, which tracks the S&P 500 Index. He advocated investing in index funds over others.


Instead of trying to pick individual stocks that will outperform the market, investors should simply buy a diversified portfolio of stocks or index funds that represent the entire market. This reduces the risk of any one stock performing poorly and helps ensure consistent returns over the long term.


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2.  Avoid Impulsive Decisions


He believed investors should take a long-term view of their investments, rather than trying to time the market or chase short-term gains. Impulse decisions, based on emotions or market fluctuations, can lead to poor investment choices and missed opportunities. By staying the course and being patient, investors can benefit from the long-term growth of the market.


3)  Keep Fees Low


Bogle was a strong advocate for low-cost investing. He believed that high fees and expenses charged by many mutual funds and investment managers could erode investors’ returns over time. By investing in low-cost index funds or exchange-traded funds (ETFs), investors can minimize their expenses and keep more of their returns.


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4)  Stick To Your Plan


Bogle believed that staying the course and sticking to a disciplined investment strategy was crucial to achieving long-term investment success. He warned against reacting to short-term market fluctuations or making impulsive decisions based on fear or greed. Instead, he advised investors to stay focused on their long-term goals and to trust in the power of time and compounding returns.


5) Don’t Speculate and Invest for Long Term


Bogle believed that investing was essential for building wealth over time, but he cautioned against speculating or taking unnecessary risks. He advocated for investors to do their homework, research the companies or funds they are investing in, and take a long-term view of their investments. By doing so, investors can make informed decisions that align with their financial goals and risk tolerance.


Overall, John C. Bogle’s approach to investing was focused on simplicity, discipline, and a long-term perspective. By investing in low-cost, diversified funds and staying the course, investors can build wealth over time and achieve their financial goals.




Legendary investors have left an indelible mark on the world of finance and investment, and their insights and strategies continue to inspire and inform investors of all backgrounds and experience levels. Whether it’s Warren Buffett’s emphasis on long-term value, or Benjamin Graham’s focus on intrinsic value, the lessons and philosophies of these investors offer valuable insights into the art and science of investing. By studying the approaches of these investing legends, we can gain a deeper understanding of the markets, develop sound investment strategies, and potentially achieve long-term financial success. Stay tuned with our “Investing with Legends” series to know more about their investing principles.



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