Investor returns vs. fund returns

What is investor return?    Investor returns refer to the profits that an...

Investor returns vs. fund returns
All about asset allocation

Asset allocation is the process of dividing an investment portfolio among different asset...

All about asset allocation
5 easy ways to plan your finances better

When it comes to personal finances, the single most common suggestion that experts give is to start...

5 easy ways to plan your finances better
Short Term Capital Gains Tax On Listed Shares

Before we understand how capital gains on listed shares are taxed it is important to understand how...

Short Term Capital Gains Tax On Listed Shares
How to make good returns during challenging times?

2022 was a challenging year for investors, the post Covid slump, combined with market instability...

How to make good returns during challenging times?
Market Stories in Charts | Week of 6th March 2023

Data discoveries of the week. This week we look at charts on gender participation in investment, ...

Market Stories in Charts | Week of 6th March 2023
Why should you take goal based approach to investing?

Once you have decided to save and invest your money, the next question that arises is how to do it...

Why should you take goal based approach to investing?
How to choose the right mutual fund to invest in?

    You are investing your hard-earned money in a fund; therefore,...

How to choose the right mutual fund to invest in?
Why is diversification of investment important?
What are Debt Funds?

    What do you mean by debt fund?   Funds invested in debt...

What are Debt Funds?